
Folder municipality of Alkmaar about toddler care

Toddler care at Rollebol childcare centers

All parents receive a folder from the municipality of Alkmaar "Playing and developing in childcare". All parents of children who are about to turn two receive this folder from the health center. Many parents who are not entitled to childcare allowance do not know that you as a parent/caregiver are eligible for a VVE subsidy. You can get a subsidy for two half-days! In the article below we would like to introduce you to the most important part of the contents of this folder, especially because the municipality is also increasingly encouraging toddler care.

Playing and developing at the toddler care in Alkmaar
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Is your child between two and four years old? Then he or she can go to toddler care: a fun and educational place where your child can play under expert supervision. In this way you help to stimulate the development of your child. And the great thing is: your child is prepared for primary education in a playful way. A good start! Toddler care is offered in many places in the municipality of Alkmaar.

What is toddler care?

Toddler care is a safe environment where the child has the space to play. It meets peers and becomes acquainted with a wide range of play and development materials. Toddler care is available for children between the ages of two and four. A group consists of a maximum of 16 toddlers and is supervised by two pedagogical employees. A child visits preschool in the morning or in the afternoon. The nursery works with a fixed layout. It starts with the walk-in, where parents bring their toddlers and play along for a while. There is always room to ask questions to the pedagogical staff. When parents have said goodbye, all kinds of activities are done with the toddlers, such as dressing up, playing outside and listening to a story. Sometimes in a circle, sometimes in small groups. The working method of the toddler care is geared to that of the kindergarten groups at primary school. This makes the transition to school easier. The nursery is closed during school holidays. Previously, many toddlers attended preschools. The legislation for playgroups has been aligned with childcare. The playgroups formally no longer exist, but the play-learning opportunity for toddlers is now organized by childcare organizations under the name of toddler care.

Early childhood education (VVE) increases your child's chances

The toddler care works with a VVE program. VVE means early childhood education. The pedagogical staff have been trained so that they can guide and stimulate the development of toddlers. Sometimes there is a delay in language development, then a VVE program can offer your toddler extra support. The consultation bureau determines whether your child will receive a VVE indication. Children with a language deficiency and a VVE indication are encouraged to visit preschool for four half-days.
The development of your child is monitored by the pedagogical staff and discussed with you. How this is done is explained during the intake interview: the conversation you have with the pedagogical staff before your child goes to preschool.

Not without you as a parent!

The contact with parents is very important to the nursery. There are regular parent meetings and you are involved in the themes and activities. The pedagogical employee would like to hear from you how your child is doing and will tell you what your child is experiencing at preschool. Pedagogical staff can give tips on how you can start a conversation with your child at home about the activities at the playgroup.

Childcare expensive? That's better than expected!

The Municipality of Alkmaar wants to offer all children a good start at primary school. That is why she ensures that affordable, good quality childcare is available for all toddlers in Alkmaar. You pay a fixed amount per hour for toddler care. This amount varies per toddler care organisation.

You will be reimbursed part of the costs through the childcare allowance from the Tax Authorities. If no childcare allowance is possible, the Municipality of Alkmaar pays a subsidy to the toddler care for two half-days per week.

If your child has a VVE indication, he/she can go to toddler care for four half-days. The third and fourth part of the day is paid by the Municipality of Alkmaar. What you ultimately pay yourself depends on your income. You will receive more information about the costs from the toddler care.

How do I register my toddler?

You can register your toddler with toddler care providers. You will find an overview of the providers on our website
The providers will tell you more about the toddler care and the program they work with. It is always possible to visit a toddler care.
You are most welcome to come and have a look!
Source folder municipality of Alkmaar

Our branches

For more information, see

We offer your toddler a safe place to play and stimulate the development of your child in a broad sense. The children learn to play together, share together and deal with rules and agreements. We also stimulate language development by talking a lot with each other, listening to each other, reading stories, telling stories and singing songs. In the meantime, the leaders keep a close eye on your child's development; think of motor and language development, but also learning to play with other children. If extra attention is needed in one of these areas, the leaders respond immediately.

In short: Toddler care Alkmaar from Rollebol childcare centers gives children a unique opportunity to develop while playing. Primary school is now only a small step!
Get informed and request a calculation of the parental contribution.
Your toddler is most welcome!

Register at Toddler care Alkmaar van Rollebol childcare centers

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