Early childhood education

Discovering play with VVE preschool education

We offer pre-school education (VVE) at all locations with day care, such as children's center Rollebol, children's center Olke Bolke and children's center Skippybol. This also applies to the locations where toddler care is offered, such as Rollebol, Knikkebol, Holderdebolder, Stoombol and Stuiterbol. This is fun and educational for your child and is a good preparation for primary school. Rollebol children's centers believes it is important to offer children optimal development opportunities.

The VVE program stimulates your child's development in a playful way. The development of the language is given attention, but all other areas of development are also discussed. Not only the activities that the pedagogical employees offer, but also the play material and the layout of our accommodation play a role in this.

By paying extra attention to development, we prepare your child well for primary school and increase the chance of a smooth transition to education. Before your child starts primary school, the pedagogical employee makes a transfer. In the parent interview you will be offered this transfer to read for yourself. This will be provided to the primary school after your consent.

For school

The pre-school is intended for children from 2,5 years to 4 years. At Rollebol children's centers certified pre-school is provided at all nurseries and toddler care. All our pedagogical employees have undergone training and are VVE certified.

The pedagogical staff for day care and toddler care are trained and familiar with the Uk & Puk method, which is used within the pre-school. The method we work with has been recognized. It is an integral program, aimed at several development areas (language development and emerging literacy; thinking development and developing arithmetic; motor and creative development; personal and socio-emotional development). Your child's progress is recorded with the toddler monitoring system. When your child turns 4 years old, this information will be transferred to the primary school after obtaining your consent.

You will find your child coming home with stories about the themes and singing songs. Our pedagogical staff involve you in your child's development and inform you about themes and activities. This way you can respond to any questions your child may have or tell something about a theme at home.